Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!!

I use to love certain holidays when I was a kid. Well actually only the ones where I knew I would be getting something...Halloween, Christmas, Easter..... but now that I am all grown up I think I love it even more. I love the feelings of anticipation I get when I want my kids to see their special things that they got on whatever holiday it might be. Mostly I love that my kids know the reasons we celebrate some of the holidays we do.

You can ask the older ones what the meaning of Christmas is and they will definately not tell you its about the Christmas tree or the presents that go under it. You can ask them why we celebrate Easter and again they for sure will not say its about bunnies and eggs.

So while we dye our eggs together as a family we remind each other that although the birth of Jesus was important it would mean nothing if he didn't die for us as well.

I'm not saying that all the little things aren't important with Easter though either. It makes for a good excuse for us to come together as a family and hang out, laugh, and just enjoy this moment.

**Rebekah's favorite part seemed to be when she woke up to plastic eggs EVERYWHERE!! She would walk, pick one up, walk to the next....pick that one up until she had 6-7 eggs in her little hands. Then when she figured out there were little goodies in these plastic eggs that made it even better!

**Jacob's favorite was running around the park chasing his cousin Austin with "Gotman" These little monsters were so cute. I didn't have a chance to take their picture because they were all over the place.

**Riley well his face explains it all

**Jeffrey tells me that he is too old and also let me know that the whole reason we celebrate Easter is because of Jesus. So I say "OK you don't need a basket then right?" He says "Thats not what I said!"

Kids are funny....here are a few pictures of them

JC's first Easter

Jacob was happy to grab as many as he could

Rebakah favored the blue

Bekah in her Church outfit. All dressed up just to stay home and nap!
Hunting the eggs

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