Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Are you ready for some football?

Every year I let the kids pick the theme they want for their birthday and for the 3rd time in a row Jeffrey went with football for his 11th birthday.  I tried to change things up a little. Instead of serving pizza or make Jeff slave over the BBQ we went with Tailgate party foods.

Birthday banner

Tailgate food

Then for little treats I made chocolate cake pops shaped like mini footballs and a football cake. I was freaking out a little because I decided to wait til the morning of the party to make his cake. SO of course the cake stuck to the pan. I've never had these issues until we moved. Maybe once I get the hang of this oven things will go a little smoother. Originally it was going to be an ice cream cake but with the whole sticking fiasco I wasn't going to even push it.

Now because Jeffrey was turning 11 and not 8 I was trying to come up with a fun idea. He's a little old for the pinata. He actually complains when we go to parties because he's normally the oldest and never gets a wack at it. Instead I went with a scavenger hunt. Not your typical run around the neighborhood figuring out clues but a Picture Hunt. We split into 2 teams. My team had me dying they were so funny!

#1 Find a Caboose

#2 With a dinosaur

#3 Funny faces
the cute lil babe in this one is my neice, Savannah being held by my pretty sister in law

the handsome lil guy being held by Riley is my nephew JC
#4 Picture with a baby

#5 I can't believe we all fit!

#6 In a petstore bonus if an animal is in the pic.
This was my favorite because my team got to petsmart at the same time as the other team. My group was running and as soon as the others saw us they ran too! So imagine 11 kids running straight into the pet store. Then on top of it they bombarded this poor guy.

#7 One soda with multiple straws
I love how Hailey is laying on the table
#8 A Castle
#9 House that looks like a chapel
#10 Pyramid
Close enough!
#11 all of us mid air!
I love the expressions in all their little faces

#12 Everyone on a slide
#13 in a tree
#14 Rub a dub dub everyone in the tub
#15 With a firetruck bonus if fireman are in it. Unfortunately neither of us could get this one.

Once we were done and all the kids were riled up from the hunt we did cake & presents. Jeffrey was so excited with all his Tech Deck toys (I mean skateboards. He's too old for toys) and gift cards and money. 

A few of his closest buddies stayed the night. They were out running around back out front, in the house. It was crazy madness but Jeffrey enjoyed every second. He even convinced me to let him watch a scary movie. Knowing that his friends were there and his little brothers were already tucked away in bed I allowed it. (Which is probably a mistake. He will try until his face turns blue to get me to let him watch more but its not gonna happen)

Well birthday #11 was worth it. Jeffrey said,  "Thanks mom that was the best birthday!"

*Thanks to Kelly for helping, Cassy for the extra treats, & Julie with the fun candy :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The moment a child is born

11 years, 10 months and 1 day ago I found myself pregnant. Well that wasnt exactly when I found out. I actually didnt really know until I was maybe 12 weeks but anyways on March 20th, 2000 I was blessed with this little guy we called Jeffrey.  It was the scariest yet most exciting moment of my life at the time. I was never apart of something so important.  That day I became a new person. I was someone's Mommy. He changed me in so many ways and let me see life differently.

When I was pregnant with him I saw how unwed pregnant women were looked at.  Ha!   The looks I got 12 years ago being pregnant I still got them pregnant with my 4th baby and I've been married 9 years. I saw how so called Christian's judged me and Jeff because of our sinful ways.  People will judge and you know what? I've never in my life cared what anyone thought of me.  I wont live to anyones expectations. 

Today, I am completely honest with my kids. If they are old enough to ask a question then they are old enough to hear the answer whether it be "Where do babies come from?  to "Can I have ice cream for breakfast." I teach them not to judge others, to be kind and honest, and show the love of Jesus to others.

Because of Jeffrey I had to grow up a little faster than most 18 year olds but I would not change a single minute of it.  He's my "Precious Moment Baby"
Jeffrey's first birthday!

Jeffrey today at 11 years old
He's the goofy one in the middle with the Cowboys hat

*The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.
She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never.
The mother is something absolutely new. --Rajneesh

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No longer a baby....

Since the move, I've been trying to sell a few of the baby things that we still had. At first I had a hard time parting with Rebekah's clothes but I am so happy to see my pretty little neice wearing them.  I think just knowing that she is our last baby makes things tough. I'm crazy because I know that 4 is plenty. But for things to be so final....

I watched a man load up her swing into his trunk and place her bouncer in his backseat. Then I watched another couple put her jumperoo and activity mat in the back of their truck. I know that they will be very happy and their babies will be creating the same memories that I had.

Well here's the straw that broke the camels back......

She's sleeping in a toddler bed!
My little pumpkin is no longer a baby but a big girl.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Precious moments

I was sitting on my bed trying to plan an amazing 11th birthday party for Jeffrey. We are on a limited budget but this is besides the point.  Jacob & Bekah are sitting on the floor building with blocks. Jeff calls Jacob and in his cute little voice he says "What is it, Dad?" Earlier he told me "Mom, be happy not mad." Where do they get these things? I am so afraid I'm going to forget. So back to watching my babies play with blocks, Jeff tells Jacob that he can play blocks in his room. The kid picks up all the blocks asks for Bekahs puppy and makes his happy way to his room with his tag-along. So here is are pictures of their special moment....

 And we cant forget the pup

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Date night

Well tonight was a first in a LONG time. I got to go on a date with my husband. Having 4 kids makes it a little tough to find a babysitter. We can't come and go as we please. Anyways, we went to Texas de Brazil. To sum this place up in one word...AMAZING! Its more like a high end buffet. They start you off with what they call a salad bar. There were so many interesting foods that probably any other time I would never try. Tonight was a night of firsts. A few things that I've tried that were better than I thought were the lobster bisque and lamb. Yes I never thought I would eat a poor little lamb but it was good. The best thing was the filet mignon.
Not only was it good food but there was good conversation and jokes. I got to enjoy time with my husband and for once we didn't worry about money, the kids or anything else that we typically talk about over dinner. We have decided that this place is the place for anniversary's & birthdays. We'll even come and celebrate the kids birthdays but they can stay at home :)
Throughout our little date we usually reminicse on how far we've come and what we've accomplished. Yea we don't own a house or actually own our trucks but really who cares? We passed one of those weekly places and Jeff said I remember when you used to live there. That was the last place I lived with my mom, brother and sister before I decided I wanted more for my life. In my truck Jeff put a peach air freshner (probably to cover up cigarette smell) Smells are a funny thing. It can bring back so many memories. The peach scent made me ask Jeff if he remembered when he put some little peach lotion set in my locker for my first birthday we celebrated together. I told him how sparingly I used it because I never had things like that. But today, I have a crapload of lotions. Its on my bathroom sink in a basket now. Just a little reminder of how little I use to have and how blessed I am. Yea lotion made me think about how much I really do have.
It puts my life into perspective.
Well this was my random blog for the day. Started with yummy food & ended with me reminding myself that I acheived my goal from being that 18 year old that lived in a weekly to where I am now.

Here is what was left of my lamb & filet mignon :)