Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monster Jam

Lately I've been winning tickets to go see fun stuff with the kids. Last week was the Ringling brother tickets. I even won the grand prize putting me 4 rows from the front plus $40 in snack vouchers! The kids loved it. Last Friday we drove all the way out to Primm to see the monster trucks. It wasnt as amazing as the one held at Sam Boyd but it gave Jacob a small taste at how loud the drag races would be.

We told him Friday morning that he would get to see monster trucks. I love it when we have something to hold over the kids. Kind of motivation to get them to do the things that they would normally whine about. Jacob even took a nap to prep for the night ahead of him.

When we got into the arena he was so quiet. When we sat down he was still so quiet. I thought for sure when he heard the trucks reving their engines he would say something but nothing. When they pulled in his eyes got huge. I would have loved to have taken his picture at that very moment. The look was priceless. He sat thru it though. Smiling and amazed as the giant trucks smashed the ity bity cars.

It wasnt until the next day when is daddy came home with a toy truck for him. When he saw it, he realized that it was the same truck he saw the night before.  All he could say was it did donuts!

I'm so happy that its the simplist things that make him happy. Oh yea the older 2 were pretty excited as well. Riley is now saving for a dirt bike so he can do tricks like the bikers that were there.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Welcome to Hogwarts

Today we celebrated my second borns birthday.  I remember it like it was yesterday when we brought him into this world. 7 lbs 15 ounces all boy. Now 9 years later its so hard to believe that I once use to hold that kid in my arms.

OK well enough sissy la la stuff...he decided he wanted  a Harry Potter themed birthday & a pool party & a sleep over. Thanks to my amazing cousin in Washington, I had everything I needed as far as decorations go.  Since it was a pool party we wanted to keep it simple. I dont know why but our parties always seem so chaotic. Its always family and close friends but always madness!! Jeff and I go from the minute we wake up until the moment we get to fall into bed. Its so worth it after seeing how happy our boy is.

Here are the pics....you have to know Harry Potter to understand some of it.

Kings Cross Station is a train station

I was telling everyone to run into it

"Welcome" **made by Tiffany

The snack table 

The spider

the yummy food. My mom made these yummy buffalo chicken bites

the drinks

the magical spell book

Hedwig guarding the beans

Owl Post

The Sorting Hat. What house will you be in.....


Harrys Map
Riley & Karley

Riley & James

My grandpa

Oooh the cake

Make a wish

the gifts

the little brother

more gifts

litte Savannah

My lil Bekah

My goofy wizard

*I forgot to add the invite. Maybe later :)
Thanks to everyone that came!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What's your passion?

Last month I had the chance to go to the ladies tea at my church. My friend had asked me if I wanted to help her decorate a table. Not sure what this entailed I reluctantly said yes. Well turns out her mother has an amazing friend that ended up helping her better than I ever could. When I arrived at the church there were tables set up everywhere! They were decorated so amazingly. Every woman did a great job. I wish now that I would have taken pictures.

Well besides sitting and having fellowship I was able to listen to a sermon. Basically to sum it up the question was "What is stopping you from becoming involved?" and "What is your passion?" I knew exactly what was keeping me from doing things. I wrote that down right away and was happy to throw that excuse away. My passion....I've thought about this for so many years. What plan does God really have for me? Then instantly it came to me. I am here to help struggling mothers. Young struggling moms. I was that young struggling mom once upon a time.

And its not limited to girls that get pregnant right out of high school like me. I think God wants me to help guide them to let them know that its not hopeless. That things will be ok. I struggle now but I know there's a plan. There just has to be.

A little background on my struggle....I was fresh out of high school. I hated my senior year. I had lost so much then that when I finally got away from it I just wanted to have fun. It was a summer of partying and drinking and things that happen inbetween. I was still responsible. I had my own place. I went to work everyday so this must be ok. Well by the end of summer I found myself pregnant. How could this be? I had plans for my life. I was going to go to college and was not following in the steps of the women in my family.
Turns out I had gotten pregnant a week after I graduated. After lots of crying I decided to confirm it. Flipped open the yellow pages and turns out the place I needed to go was on the first page. Tell me thats not the devil trying to work in my life. I felt so alone. At least thats what I believe the devil wanted me to think. He put thoughts in my head that in my heart I knew I could never go thru with but he was really messing with me. So I made an appointment. I went down just to confirm things and see how far I was. I laid on the bed alone. I didnt know what to expect. The ultrasound tech brought in a machine and put some cold gel on my belly. 12 weeks pregnant! I asked if I could see but she wouldnt let me. They are in the market to make money and if you become attached to something so precious how can they make their money. Even though I felt alone God was with me in that room. He let me know that there was just something so wrong about this.  I left that place and never looked back. 11 years later I have this really great kid and think back on how crazy my thinking was to believe I was so alone. And there are so many girls that think this way.

So anyways, back to now....a lot of people are doing terrible with the fall of our economy. But life goes on. We still have babies, still have house and car payments but just need a little help to get thru this. My friend had recently found out that God has blessed her with a little bun in the oven. Not even thinking twice I offered anything I could to help her. I didn't realize that this was part of what God wanted me to do. I had the chance again yesterday. I hear people all the time saying that God spoke to them. Why doesn't he talk to me I wondered?? Maybe I wasnt listening but yesterday I heard him loud and clear. I dont want to make it sound like im tooting my own horn but listening to God and doing what he placed on my heart made me feel so good. It made me feel like people could see Him thru me.

I know this blog jumped all over the place but I just felt so inspired to share what God is using me for. :)