Monday, May 23, 2011

Growing Pains

I seriously don't know how to handle my oldest. He's not that little boy anymore but not quite a teen yet. I guess the cool term is a "tween". Besides having an attitude that makes his precious little face so slappable, he has a gaziollion questions.

Riley slipped by the pool and hit his head on the metal handrails. He got an egg sized bump on his head. No problem....I carried him inside, smacked some frozen peas on it for 10 minutes, gave him some tylenol and sent him on his happy way. Jacob is my whiner. Again, no problem. We go and blow bubbles or play Batman for a little while and he's all set. My Princess. She is so independant. Give her her puppy and blanket and shes perfectly content.

Now back to the boy. He is me in so many ways. Maybe this is why Jeff says that they are gonna butt heads. He can only handle one of me :) I'm guessing this isnt a compliment. He's like me because he has that sarcastic humor that I have. No one knows if hes serious but me not to mention he's just as much a smart ass as his mom. Now thats a compliment.....

It's like playing 20 questions with him but he gets to ask all the questions. I'm completely open with him. I feel like if he's asking then he's ready to hear the answers. I answer them at his level. Well ever since he took Sex-ed on Friday he is suddenly "more mature and grown up." Ugh actually more annoying than anything.  Here is a common question....
"Mom, can I play this game?" Me...."Whats it rated?" Jeffrey, ", why can't I? All my friends get to play and I have to just watch." Me, "Then go live with them."

I get this one at least 4-5 times a week. Here is another.....

"Mom, can I watch this scary movie?" Me...."Let me look it up." Jeffrey, "Ugh forget it."

Now my common response to the games and movie questions is "Would you feel comfortable with Pastor Bryon sitting next to you?"

So on top of all the other questions that he asks those 2 are the most common. I want to feel bad that all his friends get to but I'm trying to protect his mind. Shelter him? Yea maybe a little so he can be a kid a little bit longer.

He got the chance to stay the night at his grandmas this weekend and he called me to find out if he could watch a scary movie. So I told him I would have to check really quick. He was not happy with my answer and it also doesnt help the comments I get from adults who tell him that the movie wasnt bad but that is a whole other story. I'm hapy that I can at least trust him when he isn't home with me.

Maybe there is a reason God started our children as babies so that we could slowly grow the patience and be ready for when they became "tweens" then oh goodness TEENS! If we were started as teens I dont think very many of us would have made it to be adults.

I wanted to thank my Uncle Bena for not killing me as a teenager. My attitude with him was terrible. Guess you get what you give :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spiraling out of control

OK so maybe im being a little dramatic but what can I say maybe its a Ludlow thing. If you are a Ludlow then i'm sorry I guess I meant more aJeff thing.  So anyways back to my life spiraling out of control....I guess I can start from the beginning. We moved into this house. We moved out of my mansion. I pout and complain about it at times. It makes Jeff feel bad so I try to bite my tongue most times.  YES, I've become very spoiled and accustomed to the life that a Union sheet metal worker could provide. When there was a lottery and the prize was your last check that was the start of the downfall.

Yes me and Jeff decided that a smaller house was the way to go. It sounded alright even practical. Well now I sit here in this house that smells like old man and is way older than me. I try not to get anxious. I have no room to put everything that once fit in my mansion (i forgot to mention that when I got married I inherited exageration) Of all the things I hate, I absolutely hate hate HATE clutter. I am at a loss of what to do.

My desk is buried. There are toys EVERYWHERE (which is ok because I have 4 kids), the counters are covered with boxes full of only God knows........

BUT there is hope. The bestest friend ever Kelly sent me a link. Task of the day is to polish my sink. Thats all....Polish my sink! Can I possibly sit and not touch the clutter? We will see. Wish me luck.

Sorry just had to get this off my chest

Slumber party

Or is it a sleepover if they are boys? Well either way, Jacob has had his little cousin Michalah stay the night but its not quite like having a boy his age over. Jacob always has older boys (his brothers) or  his partner in crime (his baby sister) to hang out with. Never a boy his age and in this case its his cousin Austin.

Well it started by the toys. Jacob had to show off his pride and joy like most men do. They like to show off what they have. Well Jacob dumps all his prized possessions in Austins lap and says "Those are my Gotman (Batman) happy meal." Austin " Those are cool!" Jakey "Yea, they are cool." I love the conversations of little kids. What seems like petty chatter to us means the world to them.

As the day went on they both enjoyed some pizza, did some action hero moves when Batman came on the tv and pushed each other around in the Crazy Coupe. They had to learn to take turns. After a lot of kicking and screaming they started to catch on. They ended up having so much fun that I think they both can't wait until the next sleepover!

Showing off the toys

Obviously having a good time

 Had to throw one in of the girl

My cookie taste testers

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My little Blessing

Still when I look at this little girl, not even a baby anymore, I think about how God has blessed me. Yes I know that my boys are a blessing but she seems like a miracle. She is my daily reminder on all the possibilites that are out there with God. I've always imagined having the ideal 1 boy 1 girl family. I was even positive that Jeffrey was going to be a girl. Then when I was pregnant with Riley I knew for sure that I was going to get that "picture perfect" family. Baby number 3....God sure does have a sense of humor. 3 boys are you serious?! Well that was our last shot. All hope of a little princess, dresses, pink were gone. 3 boys I got this no problem. Life is gonna be boogers & farts at the table. Eww.


My miracle happened.

OK so I wasn't too thrilled to be pregnant again.

I even cried my eyes out at work in front of everyone.

4 kids! What am I gonna do with 4 BOYS.

Yea I doubted the power of God.

On May 4, 2009 God showed me He was in charge when He gave me Rebekah Avery.
My little Cupcake. My little Bekah~Boo

Now she's going to be 2 in just a day!

Where the time has gone im not even sure.

I threw her a party on Saturday. It was Yo Gabba Gabba themed. She loves those strange little characters. I planned for over a month. I even got a wild hair up my well you know to make her invites myself. The crazy things we do for the ones we love. Maybe i've convinced myself that shes gonna remember this day. I made all her decorations and if I didn't I got everything else at the dollar store. I made her cake and I put all my sisters and my mom to work.

After a much needed nap Bekah was ready to party!! She was all over the place. She was in sugar heaven. All kinds of treats at her eye level. My most favorite part was when it was cake time. I cut her piece and she was so excited. She even helped herself to the entire cake. Her piece was not enough. At times she needed a little cake break so she would run and play then come back and eat more cake. She would not allow anyone to sit in her chair. I caught her one time yelling at her cousin. Not one close in age with her. She was yelling at her 12 year old cousin to get out of her "special" chair. Shes a girl who knows what she wants.

Opening presents in her Princess chair, hitting the pinata, and blowing bubbles left me with a very happy little girl. At the end of the day when everyone left, I bathed my frosting faced baby girl and put her jammies on. When I laid her in bed she just smiled and said love yooo.


Below are some party pics...

                                                                                                             Love not from Aunt Julie
Daddy with his Princess

Bekah's Friends

Jeffrey made the flower cucumbers

It's Brobee! Can you see him?

The gifts

The Favors
Animal Crackers hidden in DJ Lance's Boombox
and chocolate covered marshmallows with sprinkles


The cake!

Attacked her piece and the whole second tier

Giving Muno a beating


Shes set. Got her Marshmallow, ringpop & pacifier

Princess on her throne. Good idea Aunt Cassy!

He favorite

Thoughtful card made by Natalie

 The cutesy girlie bags are my fav!Natalies Family
Kellys family. JP was shy

Miss Vanessa and her babies

Adiel showin us his best moves

Twins. See the resemblance?

Not so happy
All the kids

Partners in crime :) They are inseparable