Monday, May 23, 2011

Growing Pains

I seriously don't know how to handle my oldest. He's not that little boy anymore but not quite a teen yet. I guess the cool term is a "tween". Besides having an attitude that makes his precious little face so slappable, he has a gaziollion questions.

Riley slipped by the pool and hit his head on the metal handrails. He got an egg sized bump on his head. No problem....I carried him inside, smacked some frozen peas on it for 10 minutes, gave him some tylenol and sent him on his happy way. Jacob is my whiner. Again, no problem. We go and blow bubbles or play Batman for a little while and he's all set. My Princess. She is so independant. Give her her puppy and blanket and shes perfectly content.

Now back to the boy. He is me in so many ways. Maybe this is why Jeff says that they are gonna butt heads. He can only handle one of me :) I'm guessing this isnt a compliment. He's like me because he has that sarcastic humor that I have. No one knows if hes serious but me not to mention he's just as much a smart ass as his mom. Now thats a compliment.....

It's like playing 20 questions with him but he gets to ask all the questions. I'm completely open with him. I feel like if he's asking then he's ready to hear the answers. I answer them at his level. Well ever since he took Sex-ed on Friday he is suddenly "more mature and grown up." Ugh actually more annoying than anything.  Here is a common question....
"Mom, can I play this game?" Me...."Whats it rated?" Jeffrey, ", why can't I? All my friends get to play and I have to just watch." Me, "Then go live with them."

I get this one at least 4-5 times a week. Here is another.....

"Mom, can I watch this scary movie?" Me...."Let me look it up." Jeffrey, "Ugh forget it."

Now my common response to the games and movie questions is "Would you feel comfortable with Pastor Bryon sitting next to you?"

So on top of all the other questions that he asks those 2 are the most common. I want to feel bad that all his friends get to but I'm trying to protect his mind. Shelter him? Yea maybe a little so he can be a kid a little bit longer.

He got the chance to stay the night at his grandmas this weekend and he called me to find out if he could watch a scary movie. So I told him I would have to check really quick. He was not happy with my answer and it also doesnt help the comments I get from adults who tell him that the movie wasnt bad but that is a whole other story. I'm hapy that I can at least trust him when he isn't home with me.

Maybe there is a reason God started our children as babies so that we could slowly grow the patience and be ready for when they became "tweens" then oh goodness TEENS! If we were started as teens I dont think very many of us would have made it to be adults.

I wanted to thank my Uncle Bena for not killing me as a teenager. My attitude with him was terrible. Guess you get what you give :)

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