Saturday, March 19, 2011

The moment a child is born

11 years, 10 months and 1 day ago I found myself pregnant. Well that wasnt exactly when I found out. I actually didnt really know until I was maybe 12 weeks but anyways on March 20th, 2000 I was blessed with this little guy we called Jeffrey.  It was the scariest yet most exciting moment of my life at the time. I was never apart of something so important.  That day I became a new person. I was someone's Mommy. He changed me in so many ways and let me see life differently.

When I was pregnant with him I saw how unwed pregnant women were looked at.  Ha!   The looks I got 12 years ago being pregnant I still got them pregnant with my 4th baby and I've been married 9 years. I saw how so called Christian's judged me and Jeff because of our sinful ways.  People will judge and you know what? I've never in my life cared what anyone thought of me.  I wont live to anyones expectations. 

Today, I am completely honest with my kids. If they are old enough to ask a question then they are old enough to hear the answer whether it be "Where do babies come from?  to "Can I have ice cream for breakfast." I teach them not to judge others, to be kind and honest, and show the love of Jesus to others.

Because of Jeffrey I had to grow up a little faster than most 18 year olds but I would not change a single minute of it.  He's my "Precious Moment Baby"
Jeffrey's first birthday!

Jeffrey today at 11 years old
He's the goofy one in the middle with the Cowboys hat

*The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.
She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never.
The mother is something absolutely new. --Rajneesh

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