Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Are you ready for some football?

Every year I let the kids pick the theme they want for their birthday and for the 3rd time in a row Jeffrey went with football for his 11th birthday.  I tried to change things up a little. Instead of serving pizza or make Jeff slave over the BBQ we went with Tailgate party foods.

Birthday banner

Tailgate food

Then for little treats I made chocolate cake pops shaped like mini footballs and a football cake. I was freaking out a little because I decided to wait til the morning of the party to make his cake. SO of course the cake stuck to the pan. I've never had these issues until we moved. Maybe once I get the hang of this oven things will go a little smoother. Originally it was going to be an ice cream cake but with the whole sticking fiasco I wasn't going to even push it.

Now because Jeffrey was turning 11 and not 8 I was trying to come up with a fun idea. He's a little old for the pinata. He actually complains when we go to parties because he's normally the oldest and never gets a wack at it. Instead I went with a scavenger hunt. Not your typical run around the neighborhood figuring out clues but a Picture Hunt. We split into 2 teams. My team had me dying they were so funny!

#1 Find a Caboose

#2 With a dinosaur

#3 Funny faces
the cute lil babe in this one is my neice, Savannah being held by my pretty sister in law

the handsome lil guy being held by Riley is my nephew JC
#4 Picture with a baby

#5 I can't believe we all fit!

#6 In a petstore bonus if an animal is in the pic.
This was my favorite because my team got to petsmart at the same time as the other team. My group was running and as soon as the others saw us they ran too! So imagine 11 kids running straight into the pet store. Then on top of it they bombarded this poor guy.

#7 One soda with multiple straws
I love how Hailey is laying on the table
#8 A Castle
#9 House that looks like a chapel
#10 Pyramid
Close enough!
#11 all of us mid air!
I love the expressions in all their little faces

#12 Everyone on a slide
#13 in a tree
#14 Rub a dub dub everyone in the tub
#15 With a firetruck bonus if fireman are in it. Unfortunately neither of us could get this one.

Once we were done and all the kids were riled up from the hunt we did cake & presents. Jeffrey was so excited with all his Tech Deck toys (I mean skateboards. He's too old for toys) and gift cards and money. 

A few of his closest buddies stayed the night. They were out running around back out front, in the house. It was crazy madness but Jeffrey enjoyed every second. He even convinced me to let him watch a scary movie. Knowing that his friends were there and his little brothers were already tucked away in bed I allowed it. (Which is probably a mistake. He will try until his face turns blue to get me to let him watch more but its not gonna happen)

Well birthday #11 was worth it. Jeffrey said,  "Thanks mom that was the best birthday!"

*Thanks to Kelly for helping, Cassy for the extra treats, & Julie with the fun candy :)


  1. its was a great little party! you decorations were so cute and your cake balls were sooo yummy! thanks for having us. I love my little nephew... it feel like yesterday I was baby sitting him when i lived in cha cha cha :)

  2. I'm glad you guys liked it. We love having you over and I love that Austin and Jacob are finally giving in and playing together!
    It feels like so long ago that you watched my baby. You were just a baby and now you have your own! Time goes way too fast
