Saturday, April 2, 2011

feelings of accomplishment :)

Remember that feeling you use to get the night before Christmas? Or now that the kids are older the excitement and anticipation you have when you can't wait for the kids to see all their presents under the tree? Well I have pretty much been feelin it last night and all today.
Why? I am not sure. Possibly from that feeling of accomplishing another thing on my list or knowing what is to come. I wanted to do something off my 25 things to accomplish this year list so I went with the cake class.

I'm not going into details about everything I learned. It was exciting for me but probably boring to hear about. Just ask Jeff. His normal response now is "Uh huh..."

Frosting tested and approved
"Nummy in my tummy mom."

My flowers

Final class project (which is super tough to do while making dinner and cleaning the kitchen) Ignore the ugly cracks and the fact it looks like a gramma cake.

I have a few lined up for this month and its pretty scary to do something that is such an important part of someones special moment.

I'm glad that I have great friends that let me use their kids as guinea pigs!  I made a birthday cake for my most favorite 7 year old. This boy melts my heart with his sweet smile. He even ran up to me and said "Mrs. Tara, I LOVE my cake!"

My favorite was the chocolate covered rocks :)
Least favorite- putting a lego jeep together. Where was Riley when I needed him?

I had to add a few more pics of misc things I learned and my favorite people minus Jeffrey because he doesnt like cupcakes

                                                                   She loves my cupcakes the most :)
My favorite since I was 8!


  1. yummy!Your are so talented! maybe if you want to you can make Savannahs B Day cake in a couple months? hehe :)

  2. I would love to!! Just let me know what your theme is or what you have in mind and I can start getting some ideas :)
