Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bootcamp Day 5

So I pretty much do the bootcamp blogs for myself. Help keep myself accountable. By day 4 I thought to myself this is impossible. I have a hard time thinking down the road when it comes to exercise. When I work out I expect the results right this second. I have to remind myself that it just does not work that way.

I thought last nights class was actually fun. I struggled with the warm up run (because I hate running) but I felt like I was able to keep up with the other activities. I hope to stop obsessing over my weight and stop stepping on the scale everyday! I know that i'm not overweight but my mind tells me "I'm a little pudgey"
I hear it all the time "You look great for having 4 kids." So if I didnt have 4 kids would I look bad? Hmm...

Hopefully I keep it up and keep pushing and it will finally squash the little mind games I battle with :)


  1. That was why I said you look very thin the way it is but add 4 kids to the mix and you look bomb.com =] Love Andrea
