Saturday, January 22, 2011

It hurts so good...

This has basically become the motto for bootcamp. Although it does hurt while working out its one of those good kinda sore feelings. The one that you know is working. Although still no weight loss I do feel better. I feel like things are toning up. I would hope so after 8 bootcamp sessions.   I have been sick this past week but have dragged my but out there. I would rather sweat this cold out than be a sissy and lay in bed. I can't remember off the top of my head what was done on day 6. Maybe it was so bad I just blocked that day out :)
Oh wait its coming back to was lower body. Besides the obvious running that we do which I still hate, we took things to the picnic tables. We stepped up onto the bench 100 times on the right leg then 100 on the left. Those were killer!  I'm drawing a blank on what else we did. Maybe the memory is just too painful :)
Day 7 was back to upper body. How I hate those stupid logs. I even got a splinter as a reminder on how bad it was. First we partnered up and held the log above our heads. Last one standing was the winner. Of course it was our amazing instructor. She has to be the tiniest girl in camp but the most hardcore.  If you havent checked out her website its something to definately look at. Anyways, she threw in some Chasers (more running) and then it was back to the logs. A million sit ups with them.  OK well maybe not a million but while i'm laying there staring at the stars and praying to God for 7pm to get here it feels like a million.  In between all the log exercises we did Chasers. I managed 20 bench presses with the log but needed a spotter the whole time so I wouldnt smash my face. I look forward to when I can do those without a spotter.
Day 8 I was pretty nervous for this one. All I heard the night before was Towers and Mountain.  When I pulled up I was getting a little more anxious. There was only 3 other people there. All guys and all able to run faster than me. Great I was gonna be the slacker. The one always at the end. I was contemplating on whether or not to pretend I was a passer by and just keep driving. Well the way they were staring I'm pretty sure they recognized me. Dang it! I got out. The instructor for tonight said we were taking a little field trip.  So we loaded up. Thank God Kelly pulled up as we were leaving! We went to the top of Greenway where there is some kind of path behind all the houses and a trail up the mountain. Tonight was a lot of uphill running, backwards running, lunges up the trail, squats up the trail, and some partner pushes. It was pretty intense. My legs are sore. Can't wait for Mondays class. I know i'm excited for them, hate them when i'm there and happy when I can cross one more day off the calendar. It means i'm one day closer to a "no mommy belly"

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